Adventures in Theming

Make something you ❤ I love photography. I love the stories they tell and the emotions they evoke. And I love the way people love seeing pictures of the people and things they care about. It’s powerful in a subtle way. So I set out to make a theme I truly loved that could display the […]

Photos from WCSF 2013

It’s WordCamp SF season, and I’m super happy that I got to photograph the event again this year. This time around, I shot it together with Kevin Conboy and Aaron Hockley. I got really into it and was constantly scanning the crowd the entire time. :) I guess I just love being behind the camera, […]

Photos from WCSF 2012

WordCamps are pretty fun to photograph. You can take the pulse of any talk by the looks audience members get on their faces during each session, and hack day is almost always accompanied by several examples of what I like to call “code face.” It was intense both shooting and speaking at WordCamp San Francisco […]

Birmingham Y’all

Birmingham was filled with a new speaking adventure, Southern WordCamp charm y’all, gorgeous coffee art, chess… and dinner parties, Bottetree quiche, good memories hanging out across from the fountain across from the square at the fountain, parks with cute fonts and flourishes, Southern BBQ, beer and co-working, good friends, good food, good coffee, media plugin ideas!, early morning sketch sessions, and […]

Crackerjack CSS: Basics & Best Practices

CSS is a pretty completely awesome tool, and I love it. I had the chance to talk about CSS at WordCamp Birmingham on Saturday, and here are the things I covered: the very basic things you need to know to get started with CSS, browsers and browser developer tools, adventures in color palettes, how to add […]
