Conscientious Inconsistency

When I write support documentation or blog posts, I often write out key phrases in different ways in order to potentially catch more searches later—casting a wider net. It’s a conscientious inconsistency whose idiosyncrasies lend to better information sharing.

Google AdWords Keyword Tool Starts Showing Approx Search Volume Numbers

I just noticed that the Google AdWords Keyword Tool is showing actual numbers instead of the usual progress bar style indicators for the approx search volume columns. This is a nice (more transparent) move for Google. I like this change.

The 10 Commandments of Search

Quite clever indeed… The 10 Commandments of Search An excerpt: “And all the webmasters perceived the thunderings of an update, and the changing of their PageRank, and the voice of the engine, and their rankings sinking; and when the people saw it, they trembled, and stood afar off.” … from a great post by Skitzzo […]

Organic and Paid Search: A Combined Approach

Many studies have been done on the value of paid versus organic search engine optimization. In September 2006, WebSideStory reported paid search was only a slightly more efficient 3.4% conversion rate for e-commerce when compared to 3.1% for organic. iProspect reported that about 60% of all users click organic versus 40% for paid. OneUpWeb concluded […]
