Photos from WordCamp US 2015

Philly. Like so many big cities, I like you a little bit more every time I visit. You welcomed me with clear skies just after a rain and gave me a new favorite noodle bar for ramen. Plus you hosted WordCamp US that I happily photographed alongside four other brilliant volunteer photographers Kari Leigh Marucchi, […]

Photo Addict is Official!

An original, unconventional, made-with-love, photo-friendly theme is just what I needed! So I embarked on an adventure to build it. Before I considered how to achieve theme-maker fame and glory :) my main goal was to make a theme that I truly love. Along the way, I stretched the limits of current browsers by experimenting […]

WordPress Dashboards—1.5 to 3.4

Something prompted me to look up how the WordPress dashboard has evolved over time, so I thought I’d post up a few screenshots. It’s neat to see the UI quantum jumps in 2.5 and 2.7—both happened in 2008, around the time WordPress became a force in my life. That’s serendipity.

Little Known Facts About Publishing with WordPress

WordCamp San Francisco is a classy affair—from live Jazz at lunch to world-class presentations, it never disappoints. You can even attend via live stream, which is not a bad way to see the talks if you can’t travel for whatever reason. Following are the credits, links and videos from my presentation, “Little Known Facts About […]

Autostart MySQL, PHP-FPM, and nginx on OS X Lion

In my last post, I wrote about my adventure setting up a local WordPress OS X nginx MySQL PHP web server on a Mac. You can use launchd to automatically start MySQL, PHP-FPM, and nginx on OS X. Create and install plist files in ~/Library/LaunchAgents to run programs at startup on a per-user basis or […]

WordPress OSX nginx MySQL PHP (WONMP)

This is an overview of my local nginx server setup. If you just want to get up and running quickly, using the built in web server on OS X Lion or even MacPorts or HomeBrew is probably a better idea for you. I’ve installed from source so that I can mess around with all the […]

WordPress Engineering Populace

Here are just a few shots of the amazing people that make WordPress work—taken the week after WordCamp San Francisco 2010. Hat tip to Matt for inspiring me to pick up a dSLR again and for lending me a totally completely awesome D3S.
