Looking for a way to SMSify your website? Look no further. DOTGO is a new service designed to let you access your site via text message. In the past, the high cost of shortcodes have made texting prohibitively expensive for smaller websites. Now they can SMS for free with DOTGO. Try it out by texting “cnn” […]

Custom Laser Engraved Moleskine Notebooks

Say hello to custom laser engraved moleskine notebooks. The worlds favorite notebook just got way cooler.

Web developer tool of the year?

Joe Hewitt’s Firebug has quickly rocketed to “must have” status. It’s touted as “web development evolved.” Roger Johansson calls Firebug the web developer tool of the year. Think of it as live web page debugging—you can inspect and edit HTML, tweak and visualize CSS, toggle CSS declarations on and off, monitor network activity, debug and […]
