Winter Hikes at Saratoga National Historical Park

Saratoga National Historical Park has trails upon trails with long views and historical battlegrounds. Hiking along it’s winding pathways in the Winter makes me feel contemplative.

Saratoga Lake

Today was a smooth start, muddy brown and green, underwater sand dunes below cloud reflections, birds skimming the almost water’s edge, gorgeous rocky points, reflective green, dimpled blue, boxy red houses with crooked trees, water lilies, lazy canoe-floating book-reading kind of day.

Ice Skating Lake Champlain

Every once in a very great while, there’s naturally perfect ice for skating on the lake. It’s rare. It’s beautiful. And if you happen upon a lake with clear ice, you’d better skate on it because it’s ever so unlikely to happen again for a long time. I love ice skating. I used to go every […]
